Agnello Di Pasqua

Easter Lamb


– Olive oil

– Salt

– Black pepper

– Garlic, slivered

– Potatoes (optional)

– Fresh rosemary

– Leg of lamb or whole spring baby lamb for a large party


– Coat the bottom and sides of a roasting pan with olive oil.

– With the tip of a sharp knife, make small gashes all over the lamb and stuff with rosemary leaves and slivers of garlic. Coat the lamb with olive oil and a dusting of salt and pepper. If you want, put potatoes all around the lamb; season them also with rosemary, salt, pepper, and olive oil.

– Roast the lamb in a very slow oven until the skin is crisp and the roast releases liquid when pierced with a fork. The only thing you have to do once in a while is add some water if you see the meat getting dry. Allow about 30 minutes per pound cooking time for medium- done lamb. If the lamb is cooked a little less or a little more, it won’t spoil your meat, and it won’t spoil your Easter.